Keeva Acne Treatment Cream, All Natural Ingredients Skin Care

Product: Acne Treatment Cream with Tea Tree Oil

By: Keeva Organics

Place to Purchase: Amazon

International shipping: AmazonGlobal eligible

Product Overview

The Keeva Acne Treatment Cream is an all natural ingredients skin care product that as the title suggests, it’s a great way to treat acne and other issues caused by it using Tea Tree oil as the main source.

Now you might be wondering what is so special about Tea Tree oil? Well this review study has all the information you seek, but to keep it short:

Melaleuca alternifolia or better known as Tea Tree oil has been used for hundreds of years and has become well-known as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory oil.

The rest of the review study analyses the data supporting its effects and efficacy, concluding that while more research certainly is important the current data shows that Tea Tree oil is safe and it works thanks to its natural antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Now the way Tea Tree oil helps with acne and all its issues is very simple. Remember that acne is caused by bacteria carried in by dirt that clogs your pores, these clogged pores create the inflammation that becomes a pimple in all its huge red glory.

Teat Tree oil with its antimicrobial properties will help reduce the amount of bacteria on your skin by killing it. In the chance that you do get pimples the anti-inflammatory properties will help reduce the redness and size.

Since it is mostly a natural product, it is a great option for those who want a treatment with no heavy chemicals like Benzoyl Peroxide or Salicylic Acid products.

Now that you see just how Tea Tree oil might be your best natural skin care routine, you might be wondering…

Why This Product?

The Keeva brand is one of the few brands that has effectively created a product from Tea Tree oil.

While Tea Tree oil is the main active ingredient, they also added a number of other products to increase effectiveness and potency, list is below and from their Amazon post.

“Deionized Water, Stearic Acid, Tea Tree Oil, Shea Butter, Rosehip Seed Oil, Sesame Seed Oil, Olive Oil, Extracts of White Willow, Burdock Milk Thistle, Hops, Sophora Root Extract, Squalene, Isooctyl Palmitate, Isopropyl Myristate, Polydimethylsiloxane, Salicylic Acid, Vitamin E, Argan Oil, Phenoxyethanol, DL-Menthol, Hyaluronic Acid, Grape Seed Extract”.

Due to these ingredients you will also benefit from a brighter skin tone, unclogging of pores (which also means black heads and white heads removal), control and balance of oily skin and of course relieve of irritation and redness.

All the positive feedback and number of reviews in Amazon show it has been a great product for many people.

Tips and Tricks

Remember the importance of fully cleaning and drying your face before applying any product, if you need more help with tips and tricks for washing and cleaning (not as obvious as it sounds) don’t forget to check out the Acne page. This will ensure there is no dirt blocking your pores already and the product will be easily absorbed.

Apply using a small amount and massaging the area for a few seconds, a good indication is once you feel the cream dry up on your skin you can stop massaging, you will feel a nice tingling feeling for a while.

You can apply it in the morning and at night before bed, leave it on all night and day, so it can work on your skin as long a possible.

You can use it as a spot treatment (meaning only apply on the pimples directly) or you can use it as a complete face treatment (apply to the entire face), either way works, but the most recommended is to use it on the entire face and use a bigger dot of cream on the troubled areas.

Apply it with your finger, just make sure you fully wash your hands beforehand.

It is always recommended to have an exclusive cotton towel for pad drying your face every time you wash it.

If you notice some redness, dryness or peeling reduce the amount to once a day, if it continues stop using the product, it could be giving you an allergic reaction or it might be too strong for your skin, but this is unlikely to occur.

Although the product hydrates, you still need to moisturize and need protection against the Sun’s harmful rays, you can check out the best moisturizer with SPF 30 on the Red/Dry Skin page, great for acne prone skin. Make sure you use the moisturizer only once the cream fully dries on your skin.

With some acne products you might notice an increase in pimples the first week or two, this is completely normal, keep doing it for a month or so if you notice no difference then the product might not be for you, do not get discourage if you see little results right away, Acne clearing is a process that needs to be tested and approached with patience and consistency.

If you want more tips, tricks and information on other products you can always check out the Acne and Scars page.

Final Thoughts

Check out the Keeva Acne Treatment, this amazing Tea Tree oil product is a great answer for those who had less success with the more conventional ingredients in acne products or simply want a more natural option for their acne.

Whichever the case, there is no question that Tea Tree oil works against acne, cleaning the pores, smoothing the skin and reducing inflammation. You have a great product in the palm of your hand that will certainly help you like it already helped the many people who have used it. maybe it’s your turn?

Of course, if you have any questions or comments don’t hesitate to write and I’m positive this product will help you on your path to a Beautiful Clear Skin.

4 thoughts on “Keeva Acne Treatment Cream, All Natural Ingredients Skin Care

  1. Jackie

    I Enjoyed your website! I have always been a firm believer in the multipurpose powers that natural ingredients provide. I loved the research links, very detailed info concerning such a popular therapeutic oil. Melaleuca (Tree Oil) is one of those powerhouse multi purpose compounds, and when it comes to skin care it truly shines in its own glory. I will make sure to try this product. Thank you!

    1. Victor Post author

      Hey Jackie,
      Thank you for the compliment, it is a very good more natural product than the usual acne treatment suspects, it is certainly worth the try, hope you like it, thanks for reading.

  2. Darren

    My daughter is just turning 12 and already starting to get some pimples, mostly on her forehead. I’m looking for a natural product for her, something that’s not full of harsh chemicals that dry the skin out and damage it.

    I’ve heard tea tree oil is very effective, and the fact that Keeva contains it, might mean it’s a good choice. It’s got a lot of ingredients in it, but so long as their natural, I’m okay with it.

    1. Victor Post author

      Hey Darren,
      Pretty much the age when acne starts for almost everyone, the tea tree oil is a wonderful natural product that will be sure to help with her acne and inflammation that will come from it, this is a great product for her to start her treatment, hope it helps, thanks for reading.


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